Saturday, August 1, 2009

Tip & Technique: Partner Row

Here's one for you and your workout buddy. Partner row. We're talking about serious anaerobic endurance training. The key here is that you are providing the resistance and load for your partner.

Sit facing each other, feet braced against your partner's feet. Loop a couple of towels around each other you hold both ends of one of them so you're linked with a towel chain. Pick which one goes first, and go. Lean back as you row your hands to your chest or arm pits. Your partner should give you enough resistance to allow you to move, but just. When you've finished your row, return the favor man. Resist your partner to just enough to allow them to move.

Start practicing with 20 or 30 rows each. Progress to working with time goals. What does it take to finish 10 minutes of those? 15 minutes? How many could you do? How are those forearms doing when you're done?

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