So let’s take a minute and look a little deeper at why we’re training like this and why this kind of training is gaining so much ground across the country. Is is all about tough gym talk, fun toys, bad ass workouts and gut wrenching intensity? Well, those things do have their draw, but no. More and more children in America are pre-diabetic every day. 1 in 3 adults are overweight or obese. What we’re doing is establishing a performance based fitness that lends itself to sustained results and elevated fitness. It can be practiced and performed in any venue and in any setting around the world. This is fitness working its way out of the gym and into schedules, agendas and every day family life. And you know what else? It’s actually fun once you get into it.
It's kind of like the one better choice approach to your resolutions, something that can easily be incorporated into your life.
The heightened intensity and complexity leads to increased muscle mass and neuromuscular connectivity. In turn that increases coordination and your ability to perform at an even higher level. This self sustaining loop provides for a sustained elevated metabolic rate. Thus more energy burned every minute of every day. What does that provide? Everything you want. Plain and simple. We’re talking less back pain, more efficient movement, sustained weight loss, healthier heart and organs, more energy, increased circulation, higher immune function... It’s a lot. It’s something that sitting on gym floor, watching TV while you “recover” on the pec deck isn’t going to provide. By the time one of our Saturday Night Blowout athletes completes a Hellion or Beast round, they’ve accomplished more in 15 or 20 minutes than most accomplish in a couple of hours.
So here we go. Get everybody together, stand up off those pretty white machines in the gym, put down the People magazine, forget about the train wreck celebs on E! and let’s do some real work.
Find a stool or sturdy object about 24” off the ground. Squat down low enough to touch it with your seat but don’t sit back. Let’s call that a body weight squat. How long does it take you to do that 75 times? If you have a toddler, try it with her/him in your arms. Keep that time. Write it down. If you already do that kind of a workout, do the squats, then just as many situps and pushups. Write that time down and keep it.
Also, don't forget, for some hands on high intensity training, Saturday Night Blowout is switching to its weekly schedule this week. Call West River Health & Racquet at 212-835-9222 to reserve your spot. I'll see you at 6:30 Saturday!!
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