Let’s dig just a little deeper into the concepts we've book referencing and that mode the Eads H.O.P boys so successful in their fitness plan. How do we put this kind of thing together? There are a select few basic keys to creating the kind of fitness you can take with you the rest of your life. I’ve split them up into 10 parts.
Part I: Train your body weight
Start with body weight. If we can't move our own body weight efficiently through space, what right do we have to be lifting external weight?
If we look at training for athletic performance, you're not going to see basketball coach worth his salt putting his players on a squat machine before they can handle themselves on the court. Why should the rest of us be any different? Life demands athletic performance of each of us every day. I guarantee you, if you learn proper body weight squats, body weight rows and pushes, you will progress at twice the rate with increased safety over machines and heavy weights.
Obviously I'm referencing a TRX in the illustration. If you don't have one, let's start here. I've described how to learn good body weight squats. Take a rope and throw it over tree limb, fence top, or ceiling beam so you can hold on to both ends and lean back. The further back you can lean towards parallel to the ground, the more of your body weight you'll be supporting on the rope. Body weight rows are simply leaning back and pulling with your hands so to bring your chest up towards the rope's suspension point. Now do the following in as little time as possible. Stop only to recover enough to just keep moving.
- 40 body weight squats
- 10 body weight rows
- 30 squats
- 20 rows
- 20 squats
- 30 rows
- 10 squats
- 40 rows
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