Feet Planted Firmly on the Ground
Where do most of your most physically challenging moments occur? Standing on your own two feet. Hence, this is where the majority of your training should occur.
When you sit down, especially in a position that's supported with a back pad, you've already shut down most of the muscles you use to perform the simplest tasks at work or around the house, your stabilizers. You've moved into more non functional, body building based isolation training. By standing up and keeping the muscles around our spine firing full tilt, we’re efficiently using our body as the machine, the complete system it is meant to be. Remember, the body is and functions as one piece. Stand up and train it that way.
Try the following. Depending on your strength, hold a heavy book, box, package or some other object that you can only just raise up over your head, at chest level. Drop into a squat and stand up quickly using the legs to help you push that object up over your head. Come immediately back down into the squatting position with the object at chest level. That's a thruster. Legs, back, abs, shoulders, coordination, we're working it all with that one. Try the following.
- 10 thrusters
- 10 situps
- 12 thrusters
- 10 situps
- 14 thrusters
- 10 situps
- 16 thrusters
- 10 situps
- 18 thristers
- 10 situps
- 20 thrsters
- 10 situps
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