As for last night's blowout, you know when there's only one rotation listed to the evening's "to do list," it can't be good news. Inclement weather be damned. Ron, fantastic job man. That's a leg up on everybody else next time around. Anyone can train when it's convenient. Champions train regardless. earned just that much more swagger on the way to your goals.
Mike and Gary, still waiting on your posts from last class.
As a reminder, the blowout has switched to a weekly schedule. As our space is somewhat limited, the advanced sign up list goes up on Thursdays. Sign up is available at the West River front desk and by calling/emailing me. Friends, family, and anyone looking to be knocked down a notch in order to take three steps forward are all welcome.
A Sunday challenge:
Take 6 of those extra plastic grocery bags you've got lying around. Triple bag them until you have two bags that are three bags thick.
Fill those bags with as many cans of soup, bottles of water and bags of rice as they can hold.
Complete the following without letting go of the bags.
100 squats holding your hands at your chest, so the bags are suspended in front of you.
75 Deep Lunges Holding the bags OVER HEAD
50 Bag lifts from the ground to your chest
10 laps from your kitchen to either the front door of your building (you
urbanites) or, for those in the less urban environs, to your car as fast as
When you train, make life harder. After that, the rest is cake.
1 comment:
Beast 1: 8.57 with 65 lb on bar (replacing pushpresses with cleans)
Hellion 2 (3.5 rounds before the Sooners interrupted my work out):
Nuclear Pushups - 16, 16, 13,11
Hydro Choppers - 13,12,12
Kettleball Swing - 23,21,15,18
Suspended Body Weight Row - 15,11,15
Sandbag Shoulder Hoist - 11,8,8,11
Deck Squat Wall Ball - 17,15,16,20
Burpees - 12,11,10
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