Let's check in again. One healthier choice for yourself at a time. What choice did you make for yourself today? Getting any easier? Have you started making one better choice at a time? The sooner you start, the faster it becomes second nature and you don't even have to think about it anymore.
Ok, so this one goes out to the road warriors out there; account execs, regional sales directors, network consultants, efficiency experts and product specialists alike. Keeping active on a five leg, seven day trip can be…well, sorry about that. I don’t actually have to tell you how hard that is, now do I? You know all about it.
I don’t even really have one word for you. Three letters is more like it. TRX. The TRX is a tool I’ve been working with for the past couple of years now. Now, while it is just a tool and miracle solution to all your fitness needs, this one is particularly suited to help our serial travelers out there. I know you’re curious. Hit my links page at JtNetterville.com you’ll see it.
Go ahead. Check it out. I’ll wait.
Ok, good. Now, we’re basically talking about a nylon strap that you can string over your hotel room door, a tree branch, a pullup bar in the hotel gym, or even the support structure on the airport pay phone.
It’s also ideally suited for the type of workout we’ve been discussing. Quick transitions from one movement to another. No pulleys, resistance springs or rubber bands, just your body weight plain and simple. I mean it though. You can make your workout as intense as you want with this thing. Cool thing is that it’s good enough that when you can’t get to the gym, hang it over the door at home and you’re good to go.
If you have access to one, or already have one, try this. If you don't I've got a couple up here at West River. Swing by and give this a shot. Use the TRX site for reference as to these movements if you need.
Set your kitchen timer to 20 minutes. Complete as many of the following round as possible in that time.
20 TRX Jumps
10 row/tri ext
10 nuclear pushups
10 balance squats (per leg).
Let me know how you did.
Travel safely.
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