So what's your goal? What are you working towards? Going to take a stab in the dark. You'd like to...lose weight and...have more energy. Am I close? Maybe it's something like "get back my college body" or my "pre baby body."
Awesome. The next question is, "Well, how will you know when you get there?" When does that morning come when you wake up and say "Holy haberdashery Batman, I look fantastic and jee willikers I look fantastic!!!"
So how do you set goals that are important to you and let you know just how much progress you're making? Make your goals SMART. It's one of the oldest motivational speaker tricks in the world. But you know what? It works.
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Attainable
R - Realistic
T - Time bound
Set a very specific goal that is important to you and sits squarely in the realm of reality. Tie that goal to a specific completion date and rock on. Doesn't matter how advanced or novice you are.
I want to fit back in this pair of jeans from last summer by Memorial Day.
Come June 1st, I want to be able to walk from my place on 81st St to my office in 45 minutes.
I want to deadlift three times my weight by the end of March 31st.
I want to be able to play with the kids in the back yard for an hour without breaking 135 beats per minute.
What's important to you? When do you want to make that happen?
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