Ok, so here's a perfect example of what I've been talking about. This group of guys out in San Diego, one of whom has the most dubious distinction of being related to yours truly, decided they wanted to make a serious impact on their fitness. So, what did they do? Make a bunch of big time resolutions and lofty proclamations? No. Buy into a year long sparkling new, state of the art gym contract? No. They actually gave up their memberships. Taking what would have been their gym dues for a month they bolted a pullup bar to the ceiling, picked up a kettlebell or two, made a couple of boxes to jump on and did it up right, garage style. Welcome to the Eads House of Pain.In 90 days of nausea, sweat & tears, Matt, Luke & Hunter accomplished more than the average big commercial gym goer will accomplish in an entire year. They dropped an average of 10lbs each, cut their 2 minute heart rate recovery by 81%, increased their dead hang pullup count by 102%, increased their lower body muscular endurance (wall squat times test) by almost the exact same 102%, and more than doubled their lower body flexibility.
No mirrors to stare in between sets just to check and see how much more ripped your abs look than they did 2 minutes ago. No Cybex machines. No "do not drop the weights" policy. No spanish tiled entry ways or microbiotic snack bars. They cut out all the fluff, all the excuses, took responsibility for the fact that they weren't happy with their fitness and made a real difference.

How? In their case, they decided to go with a pre packaged home workout program. I'm not going to stand behind or endorse any particular program here, but I am going to say the one they followed is of the mindset I've been trying to encourage here over the last couple of months and in my own clientele for the past few years now. In the end, fitness is like auto mechanics or mathematical equations. If you know how the system works, you can guarantee the results you're looking for. Pull lever "A" get result "B." There are couple of foundational principals in fitness that, if heeded with care, will provide what you're looking for, lasting progress.
In the next 10 or so entries I'll start going into them one at a time and taking a closer look at each one. It really doesn't take much. Just a little concentration, a willingness to put away your excuses and commit to creating positive change in your performance and fitness.
Congratulations again guys. Keep going!
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