Thursday, January 21, 2010

Madness 52

Today marks a very important anniversary in my immediate sphere of the training world. I'd like to congratulate the consummate madman trainer Steve Cirbus on his 52nd weekly Midnight Madness tonight at The Rock in Astoria. Happy 1 year Steve. I'd also like to thank you for pushing me to kick more ass at higher loads and reps than I might otherwise have even have the guts to attempt.

For the uninitiated, Steve and his partner in crime, Justin Cotler (whom you may remember from such memorable roles as that dude in the burpee video), take a beautiful no holds barred approach to developing hardcore, whole body, systemic fitness. Every week the faithful, the battle hardened, the determined are tested and pushed to their physical and mental limits. Every week they're forging stronger, more capable machines out of their client's minds and bodies.

Bastards. It hurts.

But we love it.

Steve is preaching something that not many other people get. Fitness is just as mental and emotional as it is physical. If any of those three links become weakened or fail, the whole system goes down.

But that ain't going to happen, not if Steve and Justin have anything to say about it.

Congratulations guys on a year of fashioning some of the most elite, hardened athletes the every day arena has ever seen. Can't wait to see the abomination to God's great creation wrought in order to commemorate the occasion.

Visit for more info.

1 comment:

justin said...

hadn't seen this. thanks buddy!