Sunday, January 17, 2010

Haiti Relief Bootcamp

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I am so very grateful to everyone that came out to the class tonight. You guys worked so hard tonight. Man, it beautiful.

There were also a number of people who couldn't make it to class tonight that stopped in to contribute anyway. To you guys, your generosity is so touching. Thank you.

My brain keeps trying to come back to the train of thought that says "That's nice and all, but in the grand scheme, how's one little class going to help with all that destruction?"

You know, it's not just one small class. Each of our participants tonight didn't just donate $30.They were participants in a collective effort to help and support. Tonight was a puzzle piece in a picture that stretches clear across the entire planet right now. Classes, fundraisers , collections, know, individually, a few hundred bucks at a time isn't going to do much. But put enough drops in that bucket and eventually it's going to overflow.

If anyone couldn't make it last night, here's the link to donate. Please give. Be the next drop in the bucket. They're still pulling people out of the rubble. They're still trying to figure out how to get water in there. Water. Coming up on a week later, they still don't have water. We need to keep giving.

Here's the link.

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