Saturday, January 30, 2010
Tip & Technique Video: Revenge of the Burpees
Thursday, January 28, 2010
...there's something evolving...
One of the most popular words in
So here’s the breakdown, high intensity anaerobic threshold training with a huge variety of tools, body weight, TRX, kettlebells, free weights, cardio intervals and Olympic lifting to name a few, Wednesday nights, 8pm at West River Health & Racquet Club. $20.
If you’re planning on coming, shoot me an email just so I can program the evening as efficiently as possible.
West River Health
424 West End Ave
@ W81st St.
Penthouse level.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Workout of the Week
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The Follow Up
Tip & Technique Video: Jumping
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Madness 52
Today marks a very important anniversary in my immediate sphere of the training world. I'd like to congratulate the consummate madman trainer Steve Cirbus on his 52nd weekly Midnight Madness tonight at The Rock in
For the uninitiated, Steve and his partner in crime, Justin Cotler (whom you may remember from such memorable roles as that dude in the burpee video), take a beautiful no holds barred approach to developing hardcore, whole body, systemic fitness. Every week the faithful, the battle hardened, the determined are tested and pushed to their physical and mental limits. Every week they're forging stronger, more capable machines out of their client's minds and bodies.
Bastards. It hurts.
But we love it.
Steve is preaching something that not many other people get. Fitness is just as mental and emotional as it is physical. If any of those three links become weakened or fail, the whole system goes down.
But that ain't going to happen, not if Steve and Justin have anything to say about it.
Congratulations guys on a year of fashioning some of the most elite, hardened athletes the every day arena has ever seen. Can't wait to see the abomination to God's great creation wrought in order to commemorate the occasion.
Visit for more info.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Workout of the Week
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Haiti Relief Bootcamp
I am so very grateful to everyone that came out to the class tonight. You guys worked so hard tonight. Man, it beautiful.
There were also a number of people who couldn't make it to class tonight that stopped in to contribute anyway. To you guys, your generosity is so touching. Thank you.
My brain keeps trying to come back to the train of thought that says "That's nice and all, but in the grand scheme, how's one little class going to help with all that destruction?"
You know, it's not just one small class. Each of our participants tonight didn't just donate $30.They were participants in a collective effort to help and support. Tonight was a puzzle piece in a picture that stretches clear across the entire planet right now. Classes, fundraisers , collections, know, individually, a few hundred bucks at a time isn't going to do much. But put enough drops in that bucket and eventually it's going to overflow.
If anyone couldn't make it last night, here's the link to donate. Please give. Be the next drop in the bucket. They're still pulling people out of the rubble. They're still trying to figure out how to get water in there. Water. Coming up on a week later, they still don't have water. We need to keep giving.
Here's the link.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Haitian Relief Bootcamp Reminder
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Special Haiti Relief Bootcamp
I'm sure you have all been watching the news with as much horror and heartbreak as I have this week. It's hard for me to wrap my head around the extent of the destruction and loss in Haiti right now. I'm just a fitness coach at a small gym in NY, but I can't not try to help as best I can. I believe we've all been given gifts with the expectation that we'll do the utmost good with them. My gift is making people sweat. So that's what I'm going to do.
This Saturday, January 16th from 5pm -6pm I'm throwing a special Bootcamp for Haitian relief. West River members and non members alike are welcome. I want to fill this place to the gills.
Admission is a $30 check made out to the American Red Cross with "International Relief Fund: Haiti" in the comments line. Do not make checks out to me or to the gym. Only your donation gets you in.
This will be an open level class that is appropriate and challenging for all fitness levels. Kettlebells, sandbags, calisthenics and a whole lot of sweating going on. If you're planning on coming, shoot me an email so I can make sure to have for everyone.
Even if you can't make it on Saturday, please pass this message along to the people in your contacts list. Maybe someone there can and is looking for a way to help. To make a donation straight to the American Red Cross Haitian Relief fund please follow this link.
Class will be held at :
West River Health & Racquet Club
424 West End Ave @ W81st St.
Penthouse level.
Thank you and I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Saturday.

I agree and disagree with that on so many levels, particularly in the athletic realms. At any rate, I'm a few steps into my girevoy sport journey by now. I hope I was able to give some idea as to what it's like and what happens at a g.s. competition.
In the end, what's it all about? You and your set. Well, for what it is, here's mine. Last time around it was 34 reps in around 7 minutes. This time personal best of 43 repetitions at the 24kg level, 6 minutes and change, 85kg weight class. Progress. The next steps in the journey.