For better or worse, here we are 100 posts down the road. Seriously, you have no idea. I considered making this a theme day. In celebration of the 100th post to Netterville Fitness, I thought of all sorts of fantastic, anaerobically challenging, mentally taxing and generally exhausting tasks and workouts I could throw out with "100" as a theme. But I actually want to turn this post around.
I ask for feedback and input on postings pretty regularly. Some of us have had some really interesting and thought provoking conversations stemming from those requests and I greatly appreciate it. This time I want to take it a step further. I'd like you to write this post.
Click on the comments link. I'd like you to post your opinion and input. In the last 100 postings, what have you found that's particularly important to you? What, if anything have you been able to take from our discussions and demos? What would you like to see more of? What have you had enough of and would probably be happy never seeing any more of? Whatever. We've had a lot of silent partners out there coming back day after day. I'd like to hear what everyone has to say.
Above all else, thank you all so much for coming back time and time again. I truly appreciate your support and participation. I hope that I've been able to contribute positively in some way to your fitness goals and that you've had a little fun along the way.
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