One hour on one night one time each week. Don't save it. Spend it. Push as hard as you can and find out just how much you've got, just how far you can go, just how much you can move.
Kudos to Laura for bearing the brunt of this week's workout without even the merest hint of shirking such a load. She could have said, "You know, it's a pretty evening, I'll just take a jog in the park." "I'll just spend a few minutes on the treadmill and go home."
Instead she spent 60 minutes pushing her strength and endurance to their limits. One more breath. One more rep. One more squat. One more swing.
In the end, 4,426lbs lifted, 57 rows, 120 squats, 81 situps, 48 overhead lunges, 69 swings of the kettlebell, multiple manmakers and over 100 TRX jumps in an hour....well, that's just really damn impressive.
Awesome job.
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