Building upon that, the separation between physical strength and mental strength is equally fictional. Now, you obviously don't have to be able to squat twice your body weight or have a 6 minute mile under your belt to be a Rhodes Scholar. I'm not talking about intelligence. I'm talking about mental clarity, strength, determination. A human
is one machine, one unit. Just as the legs can't function with out a healthy core and back, the mind can not perform optimally without a strong body to support its efforts. Coming at it from the other direction, how will the body achieve it's full performance potential without real mental clarity and resolute determinati
And that's exactly what we saw this week. Clear, sharp determined
minds driving bodies to
the very edge of their performance capacity. It had been a long break for a couple of participants, so there was some ground to be made up. By sheer force of will that ground was clawed
back, inch by inch. Summon enough energy for one more repetition. Now, one more. One more. Another. The key isn't to focus on finishing. They key is to just keep moving. Determine to move. Reap benefits both physically and mentally.
This only happens once a week. There is only this night to push yourself this hard in the accountability of your peers. Find out just how far you can go. Test the limits of your exertion.
Know exactly what you're made of.
In this room, it's not necessarily a bad thing when some
one says,
"You've put a couple on since you started didn't you." That's not a question.
Congratulations everyone.
Also a huge congratulations to the boys out at Eads House of Pain in La Jolla for graduating their second evolution. Your third evolution
has a ti
tle. "This one goes to 11." Enjoy.

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