Thursday, March 11, 2010

It's a Soda, Not A Right.

Tear jerking, heart string tugging commercial. Cut to interior shot of an urban grocery store. The store owner narrates as a number of customers of various ethnic minority groups shop for food.

"The majority of my customers come in with a calculator and a note pad, because they're on a budget...You can't just raise prices by taxing soda. We're already stretched...."

A tv news magazine piece where the journalist is interviewing inside a grocery store. Irate mother screaming about how it's just so unfair to tax her soda pop. She's just trying to care for her kids.

Want to care for your kids? Don't want to get hit with extra taxes? Want to save money? Water people. Water, tea, Crystal Light, veggie juice, milk, soy milk.

Come on now!

You know, as a former overweight kid who had a 3+ Sunkist Orange Soda per day habit, I'm going to be the first to say it. Tax 'em all. Tax 'em hard and tax 'em high.

Sodas encourage obesity. Obesity costs individuals, insurance companies and our government hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Obesity raises your health care costs and health premiums.

For our readers in the NY area, please call your representatives, email them , snail mail them, whatever. We need to get this tax passed.

I'm just sayin'.

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