Thursday, May 7, 2009


18 days to Memorial Day.

On the web there's the article about the worst kids' menus in the country. "They should get the mac & cheese, not the turkey burger." In health food stores, there are the magic 3 horsepower blenders to unlock greater nutritional value of foods to compensate for a lack of veggies in our diets. On tv there's the FDA approved weight loss drug that makes us crap ourselves & lose weight all while "enjoying the foods you love."

Then there's all the research that comes out on almost a monthly basis that says, "You know what? We're going to reap much better long term results just by eating sensible portions of sensible foods and by being just a little more active." Eat right & exercise regularly.

Remember our new year's agreement? Just make one better decision for yourself every day. Baked instead of fries. Stairs instead of elevator. Brown rice instead of white. The choice you make doesn't have to be the perfect or the best one. Just simply better than the choice you would have made.

We have to retrain ourselves one choice at a time. If we don't do it, our kids will have to. And the way things are going, they'll have 2 years less life expectancy than we do to get it done.

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