New year's, new start, resolutions, blah blah blah. Screw it.
I dare you, don't resolve. Don't set yourself up with expectations that in a week, 2 weeks, a month will fall away to the business of that just so happens to be your real life. Do not set yourself up for failure. Did your resolutions stick last year? The year before that? Do you want to waste another year to proving the pattern to yourself?
Just take it one day, one decision at a time. Instead of resolving to hit the gym 5 days a week, take a look at your day. What's one thing you can do today that's a little healthier for you. Getting off the subway 1 stop earlier to get a little more walking in? Taking the stairs? Ordering the carrots at Cosi instead of the chips?
Small decisions. One at a time. No lie, some of the small decisions can be hard at first. But over time, they become easier and easier. Eventually they become a way of life.
The beautiful part is that if, at some point, you don't make the healthiest choice, you haven't failed. In 5 minutes another choice, another opportunity for you to succeed will present its self . Your day is full of them. Think of all the opportunity to succeed.
One better choice at a time.
Happy New Year.
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