Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Workout of the Week
Have a great time with this workout and really go for it! Let' s see what you can do. The demos for each movement are posted below the workout.
5 rounds.
50 reps of each, 40 reps of each, 30 reps, 20 reps, 10 reps.
BB Thruster
Ball Slam
Box Jump
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Resolve Nothing
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Tip and Technique
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas
Monday, December 21, 2009
Workout of the Week
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Swingers: An Alternate View
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Tip & Technique Video: Sot Press
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Holiday FEAST'ivities
I've already got people freaking out about it. Don't. Remain calm folks. The holidays are a time to enjoy, not to fear and deprive ones self.
You're worried about a million calorie dinner followed by all those cookies cakes and pies. Well guess what. I've got a box of 500+ calorie cookies sitting on my desk right now that someone so thoughtfully gave me the other day. You know what else? I can tell you from personal experience that they're good!
Here's the key guys. I had a cookie, not all 12 in the box. Do not fear the holidays. Have fun. Taste and sample the goodies. You know what? Try everything! Just don't finish everything. You don't have to overindulge in order to enjoy. Take your time. Slow down when you're eating or snacking at a party. By simply taking the time to chew and tast what you're putting in your mouth, you'll need less of it to get the full enjoyment. You'll fill up faster by not scarfing because your body will actually have the opportunity to tell you you're full before you're stuffed.
Relax. Have fun. Drop out of the clean plate club and try a bite of the pie. I promise you'll survive.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Workout of the Week
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Brown Bag It
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Tip & Technique Video: Pistol
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Holy Popping Kernels Batman!

You might have seen this by now, but I though it was worth re-posting it here.
While providing a very healthy and light snack at home, it seems that not all popcorn is created equal. Now, it’s no shock. Pretty much everyone by now knows that movie theatre popcorn isn’t among the healthier snack choices you could make. A new report out by Center for Science in the Public Interest reveals some eye popping statistics.
A medium popcorn and soda combo at Regal cinemas (which weighs in at a hefty $12 by the way) carries 1,610 calories and no less than 60 grams of saturated fat. To put that in perspective, that’s the caloric value of 3 McDonald’s quarter pounders and 12 pads of butter. Think about it. That’s a recommended 3 day allowance of saturated, artery clogging fat. To put it another way, that’s the fat equivalent of an entire stick of butter and the caloric value of two sticks.
At AMC, their large popcorn has the caloric value of an entire pound of baby back ribs topped with a full scoop of Haagen-Dazs ice cream, 1030 calories. The only thing is that with 57 grams of saturated fat, you’d actually come out ahead with the ribs and ice cream.
So what’s the deal? By and large cinemas are using coconut oil, one of the worst for you, highest saturated oils around to pop their corn in. To put it in perspective lard is only 40% saturated. Coconut oil is 90%.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Workout of the Week
I don't care what load you pick. Just pick a load you can lift repeatedly. Every time you lift that load, you add that much more weight to your total. If you need to change loads in the middle, fine. Just make sure to calculate accordingly.
So, for example, if I were to drop squat 95#, I would have to complete 52 reps.
Record load, reps and time to complete. Refer to the videos and use common sense when choosing to participate!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Spinning, Body Sculpt, Training & Cancer
I’m not sure if you heard about this or not, but apparently many fitness center owner/operators didn’t get the memo. In July a study was published by the World Health Organization (WHO) in The Lancet Oncology that categorically classifies tanning beds as a group 1 cancer risk. This places usage of tanning beds in the most dangerous, highest risk category of carcinogens.
Other group 1 carcinogens include: asbestos, mustard gas, plutonium 239, tobacco and arsenic. Let’s look at that. Indoor tanning has been proven to be as hazardous to your health as arsenic and cigarettes.
In fact, if you go tanning before the age of 30, you’ve just increased your risk of melanoma by 75%.
So then why the hell are so many health clubs still offering tanning services? For all intents and purposes those exact places we go to build our health, strength and fitness might as well sell cigarettes out of a vending machine in the locker room.
A quick Google search reveals that at least 6 of the top 10 major national fitness chains/franchises offer tanning services. Doesn’t make a lot of sense, does it?
Here’s another little bit of food for thought. Last I checked, you couldn’t purchase tobacco products until you turn 18. How 16 year olds were packed into that Beach Bum tanning salon when you walked past it earlier today?
Remember, 75% increase in cancer risk if used before 30 years old.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Tip & Technique Video: Squat Press
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Kettle Kickoff
Now, having lifted in their first event, I want to encourage everybody, but particularly those off you still looking to get your feet wet in your first girevoy sport competition to look into this. If this turns out to be anything like last time, you can expect a very excited and supportive crowd of people at all experience levels.
Seriously. It's time. Jump in. I'll see you there.