Performance training for aesthetic gain is a concept that’s gotten lost in a sea of “perfect pushup” gizmos, hip swiveling hula chairs and a whole host of garbage pushed on us every day. However, performance training (in coordination with proper nutrition) can be used as a means to improve the way you look, not just a way for some pro to excel on the gridiron.
If you don’t have 6 or 7 hours a week to devote to working out, performance based training, as opposed to sets based on your biceps, traps or pecs, can be a massive key in setting up an extremely time efficient program with long lasting results.
If you’ve never though about anything beyond body building based training, here’s a couple of basic concepts to help you start putting together a performance program. This will help ensure the aesthetic results you want while also enhancing your coordination, injury resistance and overall fitness.
1. Develop single leg strength: Single leg strength is crucial to developing performance. If you’re already on the leg press, leg extension and leg curl, break it up. Get up off the machine and sub in some single leg drills . The addition of split squats, step-ups, and lunge variations will go a long way in developing your lower body muscle development, tone, power, speed, and balance.
2. Exercise selection: Performing exercises such as squats, dead lifts, military presses, pullups will lead to your quickest results. Multi-joint exercises allow you to hit multiple muscles at once, eliminating the need for bench flys and tricep extensions for example. Train more joints and muscles at once, gain functional ability and development and save a lot of time.
3. Training your core: Now, if you know me, you know how much I don’t like the way the “core” is marketed, packaged and sold. However, developing strong muscles around the spine is crucial to injury prevention. Throw out the ab rollers, bendy balls and b.s. Introduce some planks, full on situps and bridges into your workout if you really want to. But here’s the thing. If you’ve already got the dead lifting, squatting, lunging and overhead movements in your program, you’ve got all the “ab” exercises you’ll ever need built in. That “core” has to fire off so hard to stabilize you for those kinds of movements, you’re doing all the strengthening and toning you’ll ever need.
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