Saturday, May 2, 2009

Tip & Technique: High Pull

23 days to Memorial Day

On March 28th, we talked about the SumoDeadliftHighPull. Today we're looking at a very close relative, The High Pull.

Here we're taking the kettlebell or the barbell and substituting in a set of dumbbells. I'd shy away from using kettlebells for this. As you get to the top of the movement, they're going to want to rotate on you and in this case, that's not so much a good thing.

So, as opposed to the SDHP, your feet can start in a narrower more comfortable stance. Start with the bells hanging straight down on front of you. Throw your hips out as far behind you as possible, allowing the knees to passively bend and keeping your spine neutral. With power, pull your hips back into alignment. When your hips and knees are fully extended row the dumbbells all the way up and back to your shoulders. Elbows travel up and out to the side of your body. Do not hold them at the top. Allow the weights to travel back down ad pull you into the bent over / deadlift position. Rinse and repeat. No rest in between. This is a highly plyometric exercise, explosive, fast, powerful.

What are we training? Posterior chain (legs, butt, back), shoulders, your posture!!, anaerobic endurance and coordination to name a few.

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