I love it when the new folks come to town. Don't get me wrong, you regulars out there absolutely make my day week after week. And those of you who fell off recently, it's time to get your butts back to class!
But there's somethign about the journey a first timer goes through. "Here's your goal."
"What the...?!?"
"Ready? "
....and then they do. shortly there after, usually panting as hard as they ever have and more drenched than they're used to being in their own sweat, they've accomplished something they never would have thought possible, like lifting a cumulative 5,000lbs in less than 10 minutes for example.
Green button, red button. Re-read last Sunday's post. Treat your body as if it were binary for once. Turn it on, all the way on and see what you can accomplish. Stand up off the machines, step off the treadmill belt, move your body through space and see where you end
We ran into another "Barbarian" routine out in the courts. Barbarians rely, in part, on the work your partner does to determine how much work you have to do for how long. How does another's dependence on you shape your outlook on the workout when your partner is hurtling further and further past their lactic threshold? Or are you looking for a little payback because they made you travel a little too far past yours?