89 days to Memorial Day.
Front loaded, back loaded, overhead, dumbbell, sand, pistol...
There are a thousand different kinds of squats. But in each, the mechanics are the same. Plantar flexion, knee extension, hip extension. The angle at each of those joints gets larger through the phase of movement that moves against gravity. Conquer the basic mechanics first and you can move on to handle most anything.
Find a stool, box, chair, whatever that's just about as high as your knee is off the ground. Stand with your back to it. Imagine two things: You have a thin wire from the ceiling attached to your sternum. You have the greatest, shapely'est ass the world has ever known.
Now stick that ass out behind you like you're showing it off. You want the world to see. Push it back, back, and lower until you touch but don't settle onto the box/stool/whatever. Don't forget that string to your sternum. It's pulling up and causing you to throw your chest forward and up as you sink down. Chest out. Ass out. Not stand up with your sternum leading the way. Done & done.
Do it again. This time at the bottom of the movement look at your knees. Notice also which direction your toes are pointing. If your knees aren't lined up with the toes, make sure they do. Wide, straight, whatever. As long as it's the same direction. Rinse & repeat until you get it right without having to think about it. And NO MIRRORS. Practice feeling how your body is moving. Mirrors slow you down.
Next time, squat variants.
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