Some of you know Meme Roth. Many of you I suspect don't. A quick Google search will give you more info than you would possibly ever want to read on the subject (no offense Meme). Meme is an anti obesity activist. Extreme in her views & ways? Possibly. But then again, aren't all change makers? I consider her a friend of mine and we share several beliefs. Foremost amongst them is a belief in her declaration to,"...shelve all excuses and take it upon myself to maintain a healthy body."
How long have you been working on the same goal in your fitness life? Don't give me an excuse, just an answer. How long? What's standing in your way? Honestly, no excuses now. What's in your way?
More often than not we are our own greatest hurdle to our goals. It's not your busy schedule. It's not your genetics. It's not your kids. Take ownership & quit making excuses. Hit your goals and move on to a better, healthier phase of your life.
"But I'm too busy with work and..." If you have your priorities in order, it won't matter. If your health & fitness are important enough to you, you will find the time. "Too busy" is an excuse. "Too tired" is an excuse. Your own fear of committing to positive change is an excuse. Don't let it rule you. Laziness is the worst of all excuses. When cocktail hour and reruns of Lost take the place of making a difference in your own life, you are embracing and fueling the very habits an behaviors that hold you down. Take responsibility and get moving.
It's no secret we have a colossal problem with our weight in this country. Excuses are the fertalizer for that problem. Get rid of yours.
Join Meme's fight against obesity at ActionAgainstObesity.com
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