A huge heartfelt congratulations goes out to this weekend's Saturday Night Blowout participants. Although, truth be told, not all started out as participants. Some started as protest-ants. "We're gonna what?" Then they started getting their feet wet and began to discover what it feels like to really push in this particular arena, thus making the transition to participants. As some came to understand how rewarding this level of exertion can be, they pushed for as many laps, lengths, throws & rows as possible. Now they become contestants. This is why we call the programs evolutions. Through this experience you become... something else. The experience is a transformative one in some ways.
The veteran team jumped off to an early and very strong start. Black & White seemed a little shell shocked at the whole proposition, but jumped on in. Team Kleidman...machines.
Into the courts. Am I imagining things? Do the Veterans actually look a little hungry for this?
Round 1 down. There's one or two in here that can't believe what they just did. There's another one or two that just discovered something about themselves and gave their teammates a thing or two to think about.
"Yes sir. We're going again." One blank, pale face staring back, team black & white mustering for a second helping of what they didn't even know they could do the first time...& I swear the Vets are still chomping at the bit. One is working through, persevering & pushing. The other drawing on...something and even smiling.
Beastly beastly team K. Machines.
Another round down. Evolution complete. Several of you took this workout to a performance level you didn't even know you had. For others it was a familiar feeling with a new face. Some of you tapped the tanks dry. Congratulations. Congratulations to you all. And thank you!
So far Carl walked away with the “Beast” at 250 points. Team Kleidman is leading the “Barbarian” with a total of 222 points. Scores are still coming in. I’ll update as I have more information.
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