Everything old is new again. A sledge hammer and an old tire. A sandbag. A pair of rings strung from the rafters. A straight bar. Open space. Doesn't matter who you are just get out there and move.
It can be seen in the grass roots efforts of people like the guys at Sorinex, my fellow blogger Steve at EFC Madness, at firehouses & police precincts across the country. It can be seen in the already over commercialized Crossfits & infomercial home DVD fitness programs. It is happening in many forms and with many different approaches, but with a single underlying principle message, let's do some real work!
The contemporary gym model is about to change dramatically. Gym floors cram packed with expensive machines with weights, built in lights, fans, hand sanitizers…it’s all about to go. Take a look back at this gym floor circa 1880 and you get a good look at what’s coming.

I’d invite anyone that doubts or is unsure of the process to come out for the Saturday Night Blowout on Jan 3rd. You’d be surprised just how much fun, and how much work working out can really be.
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