Thursday, May 20, 2010

Fitness Chaff

Submitted for your viewing pleasure: 3 perfect examples of why it's so hard to get people to take us as fitness professionals seriously sometimes.

Read to the bottom. I do have a point to make, believe it or not.

1. Breaking news: Apparently it's supposed to be ok to trade in your concept II and SDHPs for a video game...

2. A lot of people have seen this one before, but seriously, it bears mentioning again. Insert whatever joke you want on this one.

3. Now this one you might not have seen. It's maybe an iota more subtle than the handjob weight, but that'd be about it.

Here's my point. 3 things that have or I'm sure will make a killing in the marketplace. 3 things put out by people looking to take advantage of a gullible public by marketing savvy, physiologically and technically ignorant people. These three things are exactly why what we're doing here, what Steve is doing over at EFC (see links panel) and the work of qualified performance coaches is so damn important. These pieces of marketing garbage, detritus of a system intent on maintaining an obese, ultimately sedentary and uninformed society only serve to feed our money back into the same system that keeps us fat.

Do Less Work! Get More Results! does that begin to make sense.

I'm preaching to the choir, but that's ok. Stay fired up about your training. Keep pumping the gospel of performance training for fitness to your friends and sooner or later, they'll listen.

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