Saturday, May 29, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The Soap Box
I make a habit of throwing up some rather tough rhetoric around here about what I see as shoddy training, lack of professionalism, bullsh*t fitness programs, hack products etc. I’ve also taken a little heat from time to time in regards to some very big very popular training programs out there.
The field of athletic training for every day clients has gotten really crowded really fast. Terms like “general preparedness," “metabolic conditioning” and “tactical conditioning” are being thrown around by every trainer and their uncle, even if they’ve never gained anything more than a thinly veiled gym specific certification. Gyms, workout dvds, weight loss systems...the bandwagon is getting pretty damn crowded these days.
Frankly it’s insulting to a seasoned professional and it’s dangerous to the client.
If your coach / trainer is lumping you in with the rest of their training clientele, shoveling the same workouts into your program that she/he gave the 3 before you, you need to take another look at what you’re paying for. The problem with so much of this flashy new wave of “athletic” training that’s shot up around the globe is that so many people pushing this kind of training are lumping all their clients and all their clients’ goals into one big pot. They ignore individual needs and wants, covering it over with a blanket statement about general fitness and performance.
How in hell does a random workout handed down from on high to the general masses recognize you and the specific goals you have as an individual? When that workout happens to roll back around, where is the systematic intensification of variables other than just trying to do it faster? Where is the program design that adapts that workout to your specific areas of need exposed thr first time around?
I'll get off the box now.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Workout of the Week!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Team JP
Right now, everybody send whatever good mojo they've got to our good friend Jessica Pamanian. She's heading into the 2nd. w.o.d. for today at the Crossfit Northeast Regionals in Albany.
I'm headed up to help cheer her on tomorrow, so I'll see if I can't get some good pics of the games to share.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Fitness Chaff
Read to the bottom. I do have a point to make, believe it or not.
1. Breaking news: Apparently it's supposed to be ok to trade in your concept II and SDHPs for a video game...
2. A lot of people have seen this one before, but seriously, it bears mentioning again. Insert whatever joke you want on this one.
3. Now this one you might not have seen. It's maybe an iota more subtle than the handjob weight, but that'd be about it.
Here's my point. 3 things that have or I'm sure will make a killing in the marketplace. 3 things put out by people looking to take advantage of a gullible public by marketing savvy, physiologically and technically ignorant people. These three things are exactly why what we're doing here, what Steve is doing over at EFC (see links panel) and the work of qualified performance coaches is so damn important. These pieces of marketing garbage, detritus of a system intent on maintaining an obese, ultimately sedentary and uninformed society only serve to feed our money back into the same system that keeps us fat.
Do Less Work! Get More Results! does that begin to make sense.
I'm preaching to the choir, but that's ok. Stay fired up about your training. Keep pumping the gospel of performance training for fitness to your friends and sooner or later, they'll listen.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Workout of the Week
1mi run
250m row
.75mi run
500m row
.5 mi run
750m row
.25 mi run
1km row
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Bonus Workout
Thursday, May 13, 2010
You Need This

I was introduced to this by my lovely sister in law last year and have sworn by it ever since. Kettlebellers and gym warriors listen up. Sore? Tight? I have 2 words for you.
Snap Heat.
Snap Heat is a beautiful innovation by someone smarter than I am. It's a heating pad that's filled with some kind of saline solution. There's also a magic button inside the pad. When you press the magic button, mystical crystals begin to form and spontaneously generate heat that delivers Asgardian healing to your weary muscles.
Ok, so it's a measured chemical reaction that delivers an immediate and steady heat that lasts for what seems like a couple of hours. Here's the beautiful part, when you're done and it's gone cold, drop it in some boiling water, which resets the chemical reaction and softens the hardened crystals so the pad is reset and ready to go again.
Trust me. I've done the Tiger Balm patches, electric pads, microwaved towels...nothing is as consistent of a heat for as long without being plugged into the wall as this is. They've got different sizes and shapes for shoulders, back, neck etc. Go check it out. Thank me later.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Workout of the Week
Run 1 mile
2 rnds of the following
10 Thrusters (bb or KB)
20 Pullups
30 Ball Slam
40 Pushups
50 Body Weight Squats
Run 1 mile.
Mark time for entire evolution.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
"F" the Hovaround
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Time Out
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Online Resources
Here's a couple I've run into or have had recommended to me over the last few weeks. The first two are particularly good for all our garage athletes.
Online Tabata Timer:
Love this one. It's actually a dual interval timer more than a strict Tabata timer as you can adjust your work/rest or high/low intensity intervals. Free, simple good to go.
Full Screen Stopwatch:
Straightforward countdown timer or stopwatch.
Run Distance Calculator:
This is an amazing little map based site that very easily lets you plan out runs near where you are. Want to know exactly where that 400m run interval outside your house starts and ends? This site shows you. You can also access preset runs others have charted in your area. Very cool.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Workout of the Week
Thrusters can be either barbell or kettlebell. I'm posting both videos below.
5 Rnds
50 Thrusters (10 less each rnd)
10 HP Cleans (plus 10 each rnd)
Record modalities and load.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
A Word on the Soda Tax

You know, my lovely wife, Sherrie, made a great observation this morning. It was another one of those don't-attack-the-working-class-by-taxing-out-sugary-beverages commercials. Says Sherrie "What? So it was ok when tobacco was the big baddie, but it's not so funny when it's your Coca Cola?" And she's totally right. Much like tobacco in the very earliest days of of the anti smoking campaigns, the culture around drinking sodas hasn't shifted yet. In 5, maybe 10 years it will though. We know sodas are linked to obesity and all kinds of associated diseases. But like most truths, it's still in the transition from an intellectual understanding to real acceptance. What would you do if Katie Couric or Brian Williams lit up a Camel on the nightly news? Edward R Murrow did it all the time. But it was accepted then. These days we see Coke, Pepsi & Snapple advertisements everywhere. With as much sugar as 6 fudgecicles, I wonder how long it's going to take for people to fight for an R rating on all movies that show Snapple Iced Tea consumption like they're doing with cigarettes now? How long until the average joe out there starts to understand that getting your kids started on soda at a young enough age that they're effectively hooked for the rest of their lives isn't all that much difference from a health point of view than giving them their first smoke? How long before we get over it, start taxing the foods and beverages that are killing us get them out of our kitchens?
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Technique Video: Kettlebell Squat & Thruster
Why? Because we like you!..."
I'm posting the link because I know blogger likes to cut off the edge of my wide screen postings.