Thursday, April 15, 2010

Holy Hella Allergies!

So according to the channel 4 weather guy, we're somewhere around the order of 15 times the number of histamines and allergens floating around than we do in a normal spring. Not 15% more, mind you. 15 times.

So I did a little homework to find out how, besides overdosing on decongestant to the point the DEA puts you on a meth watch list, to scoot through this spring a little easier. Here's what I found.

1. Limit your alcohol intake on low air quality days. Turns out that the yeast and bacteria in alcohol can actually product more histamines that will aggravate stuffiness, swollen eyes etc. Who knew?

2. HOT WASH: Turns out that hot enough water actually does kill dust mites. So when you're doing your laundry, especially your sheets, turn your washer up to "hot" or to the sanitize setting if it has one.

3. Take your medicine before bed. Turns out that allergy symptoms tend to peak in the morning, so take your medicine before bed at night so they're circulating through your blood stream already when you wake.

4. Stub it out. Cigarette smoke and its residue have a horrible effect on allergy sufferers, inflaming any and all of your allergic reactions. They're so potent in fact that even if you don't smoke or hang around smokers, the particles sticking to a friend or roommates clothing are still enough to set you off.

I hope it helps guys. We'll make it through this season if we all stick together on this one.



Anonymous said...


You have a nice blog. I just thought of mentioning about this website They seem to offer specialized advice of dust mites allergies.

Jt Netterville said...

Thank you very much. I don't spend very much time on allergies, but since this season is such a killer, I thought it would be appropriate.