Building on last week, we're cranking up the complexity on the burpee combos. This video is in 2 parts. Part one, burpee high pull. This is a direct descendant of the SumoDeadliftHighPull. The repetitive high velocity high pull is broken up with the burpee motion. So we're taking all of the benefits of a rowing motion and combining the with the core strengthening, stabilization and explosive pushing of a burpee.
Part two is the burpee clean. Technically, for those of you keeping score, we're talking about a power clean. You've already gotten the high pull out of the way, which in this case is essentially your first and second pull, so now we're taking the next logical step. Add in the catch and you're there.
To catch the bar, as soon as your hips hit full extension, allow them to flex again so you begin to sink back towards the ground. Simultaneously scoop the elbows under the bar to catch it at shoulder level. **Remember, all the while, you need to keep the bar as close to your body as possible.**
Now get to it. MOVE.
Have a happy and safe 4th of July everyone!
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