Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Resolve Nothing

It’s a new year, a new start, a new me. I resolve to give up chocolate, stop eating before bed, cut back on my drinking, run 3 miles every morning, go to the gym 5 times a week, join a yoga class….


This New Year’s, don’t resolve to give up sweets and hit the gym every day. I know, it’s not very trainer-ly of me is it? I like challenging people. Maybe I’m just a challenging kind of guy, but you know what? I know you’re better than that, so I’m challenging you again. Resolve nothing. Start 2009 resolution free.

Resolutions are like low carb, no carb, raw food, all natural, grapefruit only, or any other hair brained diet out there. They fail you. After your hard work, determination & energy, they fail you, rob you of your momentum and stick you right back where you started with an extra 5lbs to boot. Don’t do it to yourself. They failed you once. Then they failed you again a year later. So don’t waste your time. That’s insane. They’ll do it again.

Instead, try this. Make the next best decision for your health and fitness. That’s it. Just the next one. Maybe you just say “no” tonight when the waiter asks if you’d like fries with that. Maybe you choose to take the stairs to your fourth floor pad after work instead of the elevator. Maybe you choose the red wine instead of the vodka mixer. Maybe you pick up the whole wheat pasta at the market instead of the regular stuff. Small things. One at a time.

Make the next best decision for your health and fitness. It’s not a high pressure do or die resolution daring you to fail. It’s one choice at a time. Broke down and ordered the fries? That’s ok. You’re fine. Just make a better decision for yourself next time. Little choices throughout your day…Maybe it starts as just one decision in a day. Fantastic! You did it. You made a good decision for yourself. You made a start. The next time you do it, it gets a little easier. Then it gets a little easier the time after that. Before you realize it, it becomes a lifestyle.

Congratulations. You just lost that last 5lbs.

Above all else, have a happy, healthy and safe New Year’s!

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